Wednesday, July 16, 2014


It's 4am and I called and checked on you and the nurse said you are a bit fussy. Oh how I wish I could be there with you! I took for granted all the nights your brothers and sister cried all night long. I wish you could be home, I promise I'd  stay up all night long with you, if that meant you'd be alright and here.

Your blood gas is not as good as it was last week so no changes will be made on your cpap settings. I pray everyday God would bring another miracle and heal you speedily. This waiting game is not easy on any of us.

You had another eye exam today and your ROP Disease has remained a stage two. The doctor said since you're getting better your eyes will heal and get better. He said sick kids tend to have sick eyes, and he doesn't think you're sick. So that was some good news! Prayer answered!

I love you and miss every moment I'm away from you!


P.s. You weigh over 5lbs!!!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. 5 pounds - that's great Ezra! Keep up the good work. We're praying for you!
