Sunday, April 26, 2015

1 Year of Life Video

While I made the trip to a from the hospital for 137 days, this specific song carried me through. I would weep on the drive there and weep on the drive home. This song would play EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. "Yea though I walk through the valley I know that You are always right beside me, And I will fear no evil. You're my rock, And my strength. You comfort me. Amazing grace." No matter how angry, upset, or sad I was God was there right beside me. There was no pain, no suffering we went through that Jesus himself didn't go through. "You carry me through the waters, Where Your peace clears away all my sorrow. And nothing can separate us from Your love Oh, Your love it will always be. You were healing in the pain, You were shelter in the storm. Hallelujah You restore my soul."

Happy Birthday!

My Sweet Guy,

God has brought us to a year! What wonderful grace He bestows upon us. One year ago, my prayers were answered. Against all odds you came into the world with life. You fought everyday and till this day you are our feisty little guy. While this past year was the hardest year of my life, I'd endure it all again to have you healthy and here. Faith was put to the grinding wheel, and I was on my knees more than standing. What manner of love the Father has given into us, that He calls us His children. My heart ached to have you well, Jesus heart aches even more to see His children suffering and in pain. He gave us strength for another day. If anything I can teach you, my sweet boy, is cling to the one who sacrificed all, all the days of your life.

We had such a wonderful birthday party. It was rainbow themed to reflect on God's promises! We had a candy bar, balloon arch (that flew away!), and rainbow fruits, veggies, and pop. You were spoiled with gifts, and slept threw most of the gift opening. You didn't try any cake, we'll save that for your 12 month adjusted birthday in August. You were surrounded with family and love, one of the best gifts!!

We can't wait to see what God does this year in your life! :-)

Happy Birthday Ezra!

I love you to the moon and back,


Friday, April 10, 2015

Still Sick


You are still battling this pneumonia. You are on antibiotics number 2, praying it helps! You have lost weight and are back down to 14lbs 6 oz.  You are working harder than usual just to breathe so we are watching you close. Your lung doctor scheduled your sleep study for the end of May, in hopes you'll be feeling much better by then. We will have to pack up and head overnight to DeVos so you can be hooked up to machines on your face,nose, mouth to monitor all your numbers while you sleep. I'm a bit nervous about that, because you don't sleep thru the night.. Should be interesting!

You are sitting up all by yourself, getting onto hands and knees bouncing back and forth. You are bound and determined to get moving even if you are sick!

I sure hope this sickness will be over soon. It tugs on my heart to see you sick and loosing weight.

Love you to the moon and back,

Friday, April 3, 2015

11 Months Old

Little Sir,

You are 11 months Old! You are currently battling pneumonia and an awful cold. You are back on oxygen full time :-(  again. But it's okay, when you are healed I know your lungs will pick back up were we left off. You were getting so close to being off oxygen for good. We were ready to schedule your sleep study (monitors your oxygen levels while you sleep) but then you got awfully sick. We are thankful that you didn't need any hospital admissions, though. It's been a rough couple months of sickness at our house. We are ready for sunshine and warm temperatures to kick the germs out of here!

You are loving food these days. Sweet potatoes, apple sauce and prunes are your favorites!

In a few short weeks you'll be turning 1, we have a fun birthday planned for you!!!! Stay tuned!
