Wednesday, March 12, 2014

19 Weeks

baby6a baby6
19 Week Update
This is an update on my pregnancy. I do realize we are a money saving website so please feel free to skip this post, if you're not interested in my personal life.
Ever receive a phone call where the news on the other end takes the air right out of your breath? That was my Monday, my wedding anniversary (7 years!) and the day I got the not so good news from the doctor. My little peanut is growing well, but they spotted a cyst on his/her brain. The doctor said he's never seen a bad outcome from that and it should resolve. That was the good news. Now for the not so good news, my placenta is a partial previa (explains the bleeding) and is hanging around my old c-section scar. After reviewing the ultrasound he suspects I potentially have placenta accreta (don't google it, it's pretty scary!) The placenta has attached itself to the scar tissue and grows deep until it finds a good blood/tissue supply, sometimes that's just one layer deep and sometimes that's all the way through the bladder! YIKES! If this would be the case for me, I would obviously need a cesarean and a total hysterectomy.

Blood loss is common and maternal death rate is high. So how's that for an anniversary gift?? :( I am really trying to find peace in all this, and have joy about the life growing within me! God has been so good to my family! There's no doubt in my mind he will lead us in the right direction. I just wanted to share a few instances on how He has worked in our lives in the past;
  • 2009:  I was pregnant with baby#3. My first 2 babies were c-section deliveries. I can not tell you how much I hated my babies being cut from my body. Everything about the surgery, recovery and lack of bonding ached my soul. I sought for God's wisdom in finding a provider that would allow me to labor and deliver naturally. Prayers were answered and I had a great birth in June, 2009.
  • 2009: After my daughter's birth I knew my heart's desire was to stay home with my children. I had absolutely no idea how that would be possible?! I was set to begin nursing school in the fall, had an amazing job working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with precious babes. But I prayed and God answered. My friend and I had just started a website ;) and to God's glory I made a small income that gave me the courage to quit school and my job!
  •  2011: Baby #4 was on the way! God placed upon my heart at 35 weeks to seek a midwife and pursue a home-birth. Yep, I  previously worked in the NICU, so I saw everything that could go wrong. But I prayed and God led. July 2011 I  had the most peaceful birth experience in the comfort of my home!
  • 2012: Baby #5 was on the way! This is when the Lord asked us to do something so radical. MOVE! Move where? THE COUNTRY! We were city kids. Ha! We knew nothing about country living, septic tanks, propane!? This is when the housing market was bad for sellers but great for buyers. But we listened. We were laughed at by Realtors and even family members  who told us we would never get that price for our house. After a few Google searches, we decided to give it a shot by ourselves, and listed it for sale by owner, and within one day GOD had it sold!!  Like I said GOD IS SO GOOD!
  • 2012: We rented a small, very old farm house (filled with flies and mice!) while the house in the country was being constructed. I can't even begin to list all the problems that arose. Satan DID NOT want us moving, that's for sure. But by God's grace we pressed on and moved into our home December 2012, four weeks prior I had baby #5 down on the farm! ;)
  • 2014: Baby #6 is on the way and the testing continues. But by God's amazing grace we will press on and give God all glory at the end of this journey! :)
In a matter of three days I learned that I love my life. I am ashamed to admit it, I was not at the point where I had surrendered my breath over to God. After all he has done, I was still holding onto my life!
He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:25
God has also shown me that the little things that used to irk me, just don't matter! One day these "things" will just burn away. Life is a GIFT, and I am so thankful that Jesus surrendered His, to save mine! We truly serve an amazing God. I would like to ask my friends (that's you!) if you could just add me and the baby to your prayer list. We are praying that the ultrasound would just be wrong! For the placenta to move! And the baby to be of good health!
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,  and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them he rescued them from the grave.  Psalm 107:19-20
I'll be sure to update you guys after I meet with a specialist in a few weeks.

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