Thursday, August 28, 2014

Rocking the Cannula

Sweetness aka fussy boy,

You got the hang of nasal cannula. When I left last night you were at .6 liters and thru the night they weaned you down to .1 liters! Truly unbelievable! Praise God!

I'm hoping for a better day today. You were soooo fussy yesterday. I think you had severe stomach cramps. I could hear your belly rumbling and then you'd scream out in pain. They gave you a suppository to help you poop, I think that did you in. 

I rocked you from noon till 10pm only getting up once to pump, eat and let your siblings hold you. When I placed you back in bed you screamed and your oxygen saturation dropped to the 50s! You turned an ugly shade of blue and I was panicking. Luckily a nurse came in and was trying to figure out what was going on. After looking you over and you still not bringing your oxygen level up she looked over your oxygen setup and  realized your oxygen tubing was unplugged. Oh my! She plugged you back in, and  to 99 You went. I started crying. It hit deep on just how bad off your lungs are and you require oxygen to survive. I was pretty shaken up. But you recovered fine and still are rocking the nasal cannula. Truth is, I think you hated the cpap so much so you fought it, which increased your breathing rate. Once you were switched to cannula you haven't had too many fast breathing episodes, last night you had none. Your blood gas was great. So we continue on, yay!

Once your sister heard you were on nasal cannula she was so excited. Mom told her she could hold you once you reached this milestone. Then your brothers followed, and got a turn holding you. They love you so much!

Keep fighting our handsome warrior! We love you!


P.s. if you keep this up, they'll allow you to take a bottle soon!!


  1. It's amazing, not even knowing you, how this post brought me to tears. To be a mother, and to witness little victories by your child is awesome! Praying Ezra keeps up the good fight and your family can find comfort in more little victories every day.

  2. I love how Ezra is looking up at each one of his siblings. Their love will most definitely give him strength to come home!

  3. So exciting to read this! And I love how he is looking up at his brothers and sister as they hold him--precious!!!
