Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Huge Milestone!

Yay! Yay! Hallelujah! You were trialed on nasal cannula today, and so far so good! You started out at 1 liter and within 3 hours you were down to .6liters. Now we sit and make sure you aren't working to hard and your oxygen needs don't increase too much.

You have a team of warriors praying for you. I'm pretty sure 99% of your care team thought you weren't ready. But all it takes is 1% to believe! God tells us all we need is faith of a mustard seed. That's pretty small. Dad and mom both believe! We pray that a God who can rain down fire can rain down oxygen and fill you up! We believe!

Keep strong! Keep proving everyone wrong! Start a fire! Let the whole world know God is not limited in his abilities to heal.

We pray this is the start to home.

Love you,


  1. Way to go Ezra! Keep the the awesome work God! Please continue to work a miracle. .prayers continue for your family.

  2. Oh sweet boy! Awesome job and many thanks to the Lord above!

  3. So thrilled to hear this! We will keep praying for him!

  4. Sending prayers of thanksgiving and prayers for continued health!

  5. Amen . God is amazing . :)

  6. Praise the Lord!!

  7. Praising God with you. My 5 year old prays for baby Ezra daily! Thank you for all your updates!
