Monday, September 15, 2014


It has been 6 days since you've come home! I'm so thankful you are here with us. My heart melts each time I lay eyes on your face. Sure, nights are long and pretty much sleepless but I will never complain because I get to spend them with you!
You are 8lbs now! The doctor wanted me to finish off your supplement, but I didn't! Mommy knew you'd grow just fine on God's perfect formula! Just today your occupational therapist said in all her years shes NEVER seen a baby born this early being exclusively nursed this soon. Well now today she has. Every.Single. feeding you nurse! Something I was told many months ago you'd never do!!!!! It hasn't been easy, and many times I've wanted to throw in the towel. But I didn't because that still small voice said to keep trying. One day I pray you'll listen to that voice of the spirit and follow through.

Your occupational therapist said for being 1 month corrected age, you look great! No red flags. She also said you have a nice head. If I had a dollar for every time a medical person commented on your head shape, I'd be rich! :-)

There are so many blessings we see and hear daily! It's an overwhelming joy feeling that brings me to my knees. I thank God for sparing your life! I beg God to guide me with the upcoming medical decisions we face. I've never been one to follow mainstream medical advice, nor be scared into certain treatments. But with your fragile body I'm scared out of my mind!

It takes both mom and daddy to manage switching out your nasal cannula. Your poor nostrils are so red and irritated. You scream when we have to put them back in. It gets clogged with bugers easily, and then you can't get the oxygen you require. It's always a panic feeling having to maneuver hastily so you don't turn blue. I got four weeks to be able to get comfortable caring for you alone. Right now I have daddy as a backup. When things don't go smooth I usually have a good cry, and daddy picks me back up and we continue on. 

We love you to pieces and pray your lungs are on the fast track to recovery. They say love heals!



  1. He couldn't look any more peaceful in this photo. May God continue to bless all of you.

  2. An absolutely beautiful little man. You are very blessed. So glad he is continuing to thrive at home.

  3. Do you have an update as to how Ezra is doing?
