To think you're five months old is mind boggling. We have been blessed to watch a miracle unfold with you growing and thriving right before our eyes! I haven't been able to update your prayer warriors because life at home is a bit crazy!
You are a spoiled little guy! :-) You sleep best when someone is holding you. You've given mommy many sleepless nights. When you do manage to succumb to sleep your monitor decides to go bonkers... makes for extremely long nights. I'm hoping to talk your doctor into ditching this crazy monitor your on and just getting you on a pulseox. Wish me luck!
You are a growing boy! 8lbs 7oz!
I still have many moments of fear and doubt. Sometimes you begin breathing hard, fast, and retract. I then panic.... are you aspirating? Do you have reflux? Are you working to hard? These are questions that take over my mind every day. When these weird breathing moments happen it's typically due to you having a clogged up nose. I bought a nose frida (the grossest looking contraption on planet earth) and it works marvelous!! I want to buy every mom one of these things it's 10x better than a bulb syringe. I use the nose frida on you and get the biggest boogers out, and you can then breathe easy again.
Everyday (minus weekends) since you've been home we've had a doctor's appointment or therapist over at our home. Now factor in construction on our home, and well.... it's a bit stressful. At one point we had your therapist, a nurse, mom, dad and 6 kids in one bedroom, because the house was being painted and flooring installed. That was a bit much. While I respect what they do. I really don't know how necessary it is right now. They seem to be grasping for problems that really aren't there. For example, one day your physical therapist wanted you laying more on your left side because your right ear was "off placed". So the next few days I lay you on your left side. Then a new therapist comes out and says the opposite, now you should use your right side. Ha. Don't even get me started on the nurse. She's a sweetheart, but only comes out and weighs you then leaves. $1400 for a weigh in session is bit much in my book. As you can see I'm a bit annoyed with all our visitors. Praying we find a new balance!
You had an eye appointment that went great. Your eyes are healed from ROP Disease! Praise the Lord! Now you just need to follow-up in 3 weeks to make sure your blood vessels continue to grow.
I can't even begin to tell you how many doctors, nurses and therapist have called you "she". I usually just let it slide, but lately I've been getting a little snarky about it. Your eye doctor called you a she... and I said "it's like Ezra, from the Bible." He said he'll have to look it up. I said "HE HAS HIS OWN BOOK!" Your doctor is such a nice man, I was just giving him a hard time. But I think he felt bad about it. He kept on holding my hand and saying how blessed I am. :-)
We love your name! God placed it in my heart weeks before you were born. It's perfect, in this unperfect world! And it's not a girls name!!!
Love you to the moon and back!