Your smile is contagious! Full of life!
You are fast approaching the 6 months old mark. You are still wearing newborn clothes, but they are getting a little snug, so we might retire them this week. You weigh 9lbs 9oz! You're 8lbs heavier then where you started!
We had a follow-up eye appointment and the doctor was so pleased with how well your eyes look. He said I am blessed to have a son with beautiful eyes!
You have weekly physical therapy appointments that you scream through. You hate tummy time, and for some reason they feel one week you'll just love tummy time. Ha! We shall see. But for now you are right on track developmentally for a 2 month old "corrected age". You can lift your head, roll over with a little assistance and smile!
Your oxygen needs keep decreasing! Such a blessing to see continued prayers answered. Hopefully soon we can kick this tank to the curb! RSV season is set to start November 1st. I think your lung doctor will want to keep you on oxygen for the entire season, possibly to your first birthday. We have an appointment coming up to find out....
Your sister just eats you up. She's a mini mom that holds and sings to you. When grandma couldn't get you to settle down, Raegan took over and you instantly were quite. We love seeing her with you. So precious!!!